Std 10 Unit-1_Efforts Of MGP For The Solar Power In Sitapur District

Unit - 1 Short Note

MGP's Efforts For Solar Power In Sitapur District

- What has MGP done in the village ?
- What do the solar microgrids provide the customers ?
- At what cost? 
- Why does the MGP team map the village ?
-What are the benefits of solar power ?

Ans. Mera Gao Power (MGP) has connected more than 3,500 customers to solar power mini- grids at the village level. Village by village, MGP is building a network. It provides two LED lights and a mobile charging point. It costs only twenty-five rupees per week. The MGP team maps the village, house by house, searching proper place where to fix each wire so as to connect customer to the power source. Because of solar micro-grids, there is no pollution. There are benifits for the environment too. New businesses have also started in the villages. Children study more and people enjoy cooking and eating in light.


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