Std 10 Unit-2_Ram Singh-070 - The Human Robot

Unit -2 Short Note

Ram Singh - 070 - The Human Robot

- What was the colour of the robot ? 
- What could he do ?
- Which were the three principles that were inbuilt in his system ?
- Was he thoroughly efficient ? How ? 
- What did he steal for Prem Chopra ?
- When was he caught ?
- What happened in the end ?

Ans. Ram Singh was a metallic blue robot. He was perfectly programmed to function in the household, cleaning, arranging, collecting groceries from the super market, tending the lawn, mailing letters, relating TV programmes, selecting news from the paper. He had an in-built system of three principles : the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self. Ram Singh - 070 was thoroughly efficient
 ( very systematic robot ) , with tremendous
 ( very ) speed and accuracy ( correctness ). He stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones for Prem Chopra - his master. At last he was caught stealing precious gems. When he was produced( called ) in the court, Ram Singh chose to break apart rather than tell a lie, hurt human beings or become unfaithful.


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