Std - 10 Unit_3 How Arun's school and college further his interest in environment

Unit - 3 Short Note

How Arun's school and college further his interest in environment

- plenty of green cover 
- home to life forms 
- understand their importance beautiful
- protect them
- animals are on 
- 1 their own 
- find their food 
- always on the move 
- never lazy 
- positive 
- learn from them

Ans. Arun's school and college had plenty of green cover. Both these places were home to several other life forms. This made Arun understand their importance. He realized how beautiful they are and why we need to protect them. Arun realized that these animals are on their own, find their own food and are always active, on the move and never lazy. He found all this very positive. According to Arun, we have a lot to learn from these animals.


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