Std 10 Unit -2_Ram Singh-070 The Theif

Unit - 2 Short Note 

Ram Singh-070 - The Thief (How did he steal a necklace from )

- Gopal Jewellers ? 
- What did Prem Chopra warn him ?
- What other things did he steal ?
- What did he steal from the fruit seller 
- Was he caught ?
- Why did he go to Jhaveri Brothers ? 
- How was he caught ?

Ans. Ram Singh - 070 was owned by Prem Chopra. Prem Chopra used him to steal many things. When they went to Gopal Jewellers, Prem Chopra instructed Ram Singh-070 to pick up a necklace quietly. He warned the robot that if he revealed the information, he would be diffused. Ram Singh - 070 picked up a necklace with his metallic palm and put it into his storage unit. There was not a clink or a jingle. No one noticed it. Besides this, Ram Singh -070 stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones. One day, Ram Singh -070 stole a bunch of expensive Afghani grapes, but he was seen by the fruit-seller. One day, Prem Chopra instructed Ram Singh - 070 to steal precious gems from Jhaveri Brothers. But the police, who was waiting with computerized cameras, caught him stealing the gems.


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